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Historical District Commission Meeting Minutes 03/06/2007
Town of Lenox
Historic District Commission
March 6, 2007
Land Use Meeting Room

Members present:  Chair Ken Fowler (KF), Jason Berger (JB), Elaine Steinert (ES), Kate McNulty Vaughan (KM-V)

5:45 p.m. Kelley and Andrew Vickery, new single family home, 5 Cliffwood Street, Map 43 Parcel 63-1:
Making the presentation was Kristine Sprague, Architect; Kelley Vickery and Bill Nappo, the contractor.

The home will be a Yankee Barn, Georgian style single family residence.  Ms. Sprague reviewed the plans and discussed the style, massing, scale and materials that are proposed.  (She also passed out the two-page Project Description.)  Above the garage are proposed two bedrooms, a bath and a laundry room.  Attached to the rear of the home is a one story addition that measures 12 by 32 feet.  The applicants live in the home on the adjacent lot; there is not a home on this lot but there is a shed which will be removed and possibly placed somewhere else on the lot.  

Public Comment:
There was one resident in attendance, Pam Kueber.  Her concerns were:

Shutter material-She suggested the architect discuss with Suzanne Pelton the metal shutters she had put on her home that are maintenance free.
Windows-Should consider that they be made of wood versus clad.
Shed-“Looks badly.”
Connected garage-Should look like it has always been there.  Historically, garages were not attached.
Setback: House should be in line with the others as to have set back would be “visibly jarring”.  “My biggest issue/concern, is how it sets in the streetscape; it will come back to haunt you.”

KF said that he was pleased with the setback and noted that other nearby structures were also set back.  “This maintains the openness.”

The Commission discussed the concerns, but overall were pleased with the design, setbacks, materials and lighting.

ES made a motion to accept the proposal as presented and KM-V seconded the motion.  The Commission approved 4-0.

The home is two-story with a double attached garage (carriage style doors).

6:15 p.m. Lois Lenehan, new sign to replace the existing, 93 Church St. Map 43 Parcel 86:  Making this presentation was Ms. Lenehan.  She has acquired the gallery formerly known as Cose d’Argilla.  Her request is to replace the previous sign with her own, Hanback Gallery.   She will be using the existing sign posts and frame.  The sign will be the same size, and the color will be gold with three thin stripes of peach, brown and cream.  The sign frame and posts will be painted black.

JB advised Ms. Lenehan that there is “up lighting” on the sign, which is not permitted in the Historic District.  He told her that down lighting is acceptable.

JB made a motion to accept the sign as presented and ES seconded the motion.  The Commission approved 4-0.

6:45 p.m. Winstanley 114 Main St., Map 43 Parcel 80, Planned Unit Commercial Development, informal discussion as requested by the ZBA at the Public Hearing of Feb. 28, 2007.  

Making the presentation was Nate Winstanley, owner of the property and Attorney Phil Heller.  Mr. Heller explained that Mr. Winstanley has been before the Planning Board and Zoning Board.  At the last meeting of the ZBA, February 28, the Zoning Board requested that the project be presented to the HDC for review prior to the continued ZBA hearing on April 4, 2007.  

Mr. Heller presented drawings of the proposed project and reviewed the details.  The Historic District line is 150 feet from Main St. and 95 feet from Franklin St.
The residential component would not be within the HD, but the existing buildings proposed addition and the retail building at the corner of Franklin and Main would be.  

Mr. Heller stated that at the Annual Town Meeting of 2005, by a 2/3 vote, the commercial zone was moved 240 feet north and 350 feet east.

The residential component drew the most discussion.  While the Commission did not feel that the project was offensive, they felt that the residential component was large.  KF remarked that since the third floor is within the roof line, it does not appear as massive as he thought it would.  

Public Comment:
There were three residents at the meeting.  Suzanne Pelton and Andrea Winter represented the Historic Commission and Pam Kueber, though a member of the ZBA and sitting on the Board hearing the Winstanley petition, she disclosed she was there as a citizen and not a spokesman for the ZBA.

The HDC decided to have a site visit.  Mr. Heller and Mr. Winstanley agreed and the time set was March 15, 2007 at 3:00 p.m.  The formal meeting is March 20, 2007 at 6:00 p.m.

The HDC also stated they would like to have a written description of what the Zoning Board wanted specifically the HDC to review.  (An email was submitted to Shawn Leary Considine, acting chair of the Zoning Board hearing for Winstanley following the meeting.)

At this point, Suzanne Pelton of the Historic Commission presented a letter dated March 6, 2007 from the Historic Commission saying the Commission has serious concerns regarding the proposed development.  Both Mr. Heller and Mr. Winstanley objected as this project has not been presented to the Historic Commission, and the applicant was not represented.  (Later it was determined that this letter was similar, but with some changes, that had been submitted to the Zoning Board of Appeals at the Feb. 28, 2007 meeting and dated January 17, 2007.)

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola

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